From Couch to Ironman


This blog is my journey from being a couch potato to becoming a (half) ironman finisher. It is a work in progress. Although the blog starts on January 23, 2009, I took the first step a year ago. I will try to keep updating every Sunday (once a week). This one started with the decision to lose 35 LBs before June. Read and see where I am. You'll also find out where I've been and where I am headed.

My Training Volume

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

Yes, Merry CHRISTMAS to you and everyone near your heart, regardless of your religious affiliation. I will also want to wish you a Merry _____ (fill the blank according to your own religious affiliation).

Its been awhile since I wrote something on my wall, but its because I switched to the easier format of Facebook. Yes, a blog is for the more creative minds, but it also takes more time.

Today, as I ponder upon the last 12 months I am very happy to report so many blessings and successes have been laid at my feet that I know I won't talk about all of them here, but nonetheless I will talk to you about a few of them.

First and foremost and even without proof of HIS existence, I believe in GOD. It is by His will that I am still here today. He has given me the tools to build my life, and it has been my decision to use (or not to) those tools. Sometimes I use them for the benefit of humanity, sometimes just for my own.

I continue to enjoy a very happy and loving relationship with my wife and kids. One of my Facebook posts went like this:
"One cynic described marriage as one year of flame and forty years of ashes. I believe he thought this because he related love to feeling, not to a daily decision. The feeling of love comes and goes and comes back again, like your appetite. The commitment of love is unrelenting and sure. Loving commitment is an act of... the will - a self-disciplined lifestyle. Love your spouse and love God."

In 2009 I lost 40 LBs. I am sooooo very happy to announce that I have kept most of it off. Except for 3-5 LBs during the past few weeks where I eat all the holiday food, but since I now know the formula for success, I amnot worried.

Right now I am on a training break. Instead of training 5-6 days a week I am only doing 2-3 but come January 1, hang on to your socks 'cuz I am going to get back on track. This coming year I have a couple of half Ironmans. I never would have dreamed of doing this in 2010 but I feel that he base I have built in 2009 will allow me to complete the distance. Just don't expect any top-10 finishes but just completing the event will be satisfaction enough.

My children are all in Advanced Groups in school. We have been so blessed with not just healthy children, but intelligent and ambitious kids. The sky is the limit for them, and I want to make sure they live that idea each and every day.

The only drawback of 2009 has been the capital value of our house has declined about 35%, however, I give thanks to our Lord each day for letting me have a roof over my head each and every day. There's so much despair and frustration around us these days that I am not concerned about this too much. Also, my professional life is at an all-time highest - I have been reaching milestones and bridging huge gaps at work. At the end of the day, it's all GOOD!

This is it my friends. Merry Christmas to you and so long 2009! Follow my daily comments on facebook (Olman Castro). If you're already on FB, send me a friend request.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun

My last blog was over a month and a half ago (July 13th).

There has been a lot going on since, but nothing more important than meeting with my manager and getting an excellent performance review. Even on this down economy, my numbers (total sales as well as volume) have been consistently doubling up. I am very optimistic that my “high-expectations” budget will be met and hopefully exceeded by the end of our fiscal year.

To date, my weight continues to be well managed even if I have eaten a few carb-rich meals. But once I do that, I immediately return to my low-carb lifestyle and manage to keep it off. This morning the scale read 180.5 LB What an accomplishment this has been for me.

Last weekend – Aug 22, I completed another triathlon race. This was the first race I did last year, so it was very important to gauge my improvements. Last year, my time was 1:27:48, this year it was 1:09:59 (official time) That’s the official time, but my own stopwatch indicates 1:07:10 - can't argue with the officials.

I broke 1:10:00, and took almost 18 minutes off my previous time. This time was good enough for the following standings:
14th place out of 34 in my category and 130th place out of 500 in the race.
Needless to say, this is a great improvement in my speed, my fitness and my well being. Last year’s time got me to the top of the slowest 25%, yet it got the motivation engines started, and here are the results of 12 months of training and consistency.

During the weeks since my last blog, I completed two other mock tri’s with some friends. This I feel has been the best kind of training and motivator. Back in PRico (vacation) I did some Run Intervals in a slight hill, which REALLY helped with my speed and handling pain. This combination of workouts have allowed me to improve hugely as well as fast.

Right now I have no scheduled races for September, but a Labor Day weekend vacation at the beach with family and friends. I will bring all my exercise gear (bike included) so I can train in a different environment. My next scheduled race is October 10th. However, I am considering forfeiting it for an Olympic distance race on the 11th. The Olympic distance is pretty much double the distances of the races I have been doing so far. We’ll see how that goes.

The next event in my schedule after October 10 is my first half marathon, in November. I’ll let you all know how that goes. Stay tuned…

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13

First I want to encourage you to go near the bottom of this blog and click on Tony Dungy's video I posted. It is brief but speaks volumes. Tony is a major role model.

Wow - lots of things happening. First my 40th, then 4th of July, my family went on vacation and I completed another triathlon.

July 12 was my last race thus far. After getting up at 3:30AM I headed to Clearwater. It turned out to be a majestic and blessed day. Temp was in the low to mid 80s, water about 85.

There were 1,100 triathletes at this race. That's the biggest race I've done so far. My swimming went really well, and so was the bike, except for climbing hill/bridge #1. It was the run that set me back after I thought I had this race "in the bag". Nonetheless I made great time even on the run with a 9 min per mile pace.

The calm waters of Clearwater bch were a great setting. Now, there were over 100 people in my wave, meaning that everyone is trying to get to the same point so, there is a lot of kicking, and hitting going on. I got out of the water feeling fresh and later on I learned that I even cought up with some of the folks from the previous wave. I basically focused on being relaxed and getting from one buoy to the next without stressing too much.

Once out of the water we had to run over sand and gravel quite a long distance and this only got me tired but as soon as I changed into my bike gear, I was out of there and passing people. The route was rather technical with many turns and those "hills" I mean, bridges. But there were people guarding at every one of them. In the last straightaway, while I tried to get my garmin on my wrist I dropped it and had to stop and U-turn. This cost me some time, but I learned my lesson. T2 was really fast.

I took off running and though I felt I was going at a good speed, my legs would not move faster, my knees would not come up higher and lots of people were passing me. I realize that I must now work on gaining speed on my run.

At the end I finished with a time of 1:20:25. This was basically 6 minutes off from my mark. 38th in my group of 79 athletes and 336 overall, out of 1,100. I have to admit that this is not bad at all.

Analyzing the standings I realize that if my running pace would have been 8:00 I would have completed the race within the 175 best times. So, that's my new goal. I have to set my bike aside and work on running speed.

Regarding my weight I was up 4 lbs but mainly because this week I rested for the race, my body was craving more times. As soon as I resume my regular exercise routine, this goes away.

Let's see what I log for my next race.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Last week was Father’s day, and also my 40th BDay, I can not believe how much better and younger I feel today than any other stage in my life. So well, that I did not feel any jitters as the day approached.

To celebrate my 40s, I hooked up with a few friends and we did our own triathlon, it was called The Big 4 “O” race. It was fun, fast and best of all, a BLAST. We’ll repeat the event in a couple of months and hopefully can gather a few more athletes to join us.

My wonderful wife threw a party with a bunch of friends, mostly relatives - even a DJ and great Latin food. It was awesome. Honey – I know you read this, so, I love you! Thanks for treating me like your king!

The last two weeks were business as usual in regards to food intake and workouts. I have been able to do at least each sport during the week and then repeat on the weekend. My waist size is down to 32 and my weight stable at 182 LB. It feels good to fit small in your oldest jeans. Yay!!!

The 4th week of the month proved to be a little more difficult but as I added my workouts into my schedule, they take visibility and have a better chance of getting done.

While traveling for business, I met with an old HS friend, we had some good times remembering other good times. I also had a few extra beers (carbs) which I immediately felt on my waist. But I also completed a 5.7 mile fast run around Ft Lauderdale's downtown area. Although a very bad lightning storm made me stop and take cover, the rain cooled the air nicely.

Then, on Saturday, did a 32 mile bike ride – it was done mostly at a slow pace so we would burn fats, not carbs; but also so the folks riding with me would learns the route and hopefully get their own chances to ride and train around here. As I came back home I had a chance to see the Kiddy - 4Th of July Bicycle parade at my community. Then it was family time.

Sunday morning was my first real set of running intervals training. This is a method of running to help you gain speed. In which, instead of running hard and fast for 3 miles you would calculate the time you want to be running at (ex. 8 minutes per mile x 3 miles = 24 minutes). At this point you would break your run into many pieces that include 24–1 min sprints, or 12–2 minute sprints, etc, plus a predetermined rest time between sets.

As my first workout of this kind, I picked 15 x 1 min sprints with 2 min rest intervals. As you can quickly figure out, this workout takes time to complete. The entire workout consisted of 1-10 min warm up, 15 sets of intervals, and 12 min cooldown. The last 2 sets were very difficult to get to the speed I was shooting for, which is very important for this type of workout as that is what we’re teaching the body to do.

All in all it’s been a nice couple of weeks. The clock might be advancing but I am feeling younger, I am training harder than I have ever done and keep moving towards my goals.

Not bad for a 40 year old man!

My next race is in 2 weeks and I have yet to get comfortable with my swimming. Next weekend is July 4th, so until then, train hard and God bless!

Friday, June 12, 2009

A week before my 40th

Good thing - Melva's problem has been diagnosed. Bad thing - she has 2 herniated lumbar discs. Good news - strengthening exercises should help. Bad news- this is an issue she'll have to deal with the rest of her life. Good thing - this could be very encouraging for her to stay fit - the rest of her life.

Back to the blog.
Funny thing how I seemed not to really care one bit, and today it dawned on me; I'll be peaking the hill in 7 days. Well, at least I can sat that I am as fit today as I was half my life ago - let's just keep the time in between, a secret.

My weight this morning: 181.5LB this is the lowest I've been in many years.

This week I took my triathlon training back to the level where it should have been last month, and it's already showing. I have easily survived my new lo-carb lifestyle and will continue living like this. I am looking to get a full physical within this month.

Father's Day is 10 days from today. I have already given myself a BD and FD present with my new bike, new body and new healthier lifestyle.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another month, another race, another goal met

Wow, it’s been a month already since last wrote. Thank GOD, tha’s pretty much the only negative news.

Today, I’ll share that I am so happy to have exceeded my work expectations in my evaluation, especially in May I was 25% over budget. I just complete my second race of the year, and my 40th birthday is just around the corner. It doesn’t get any better than that, does it? Well, it does. I have a new triathlon bike, so my other two bikes will be going on e-bay soon. I also want to confirm that my weight has remained steady for yet another month, except for Friday this week when I ate some 3 slices of PHut’s meat lover’s – big mistake. I must have gained 2-3 lbs. just from that meal - carboloading turned fat loading. This month I also dropped my training by about 30% and can tell I’ve lost some toning, so June will be back to training goals and routine.

This AM was my second race, Publix’ Sprint Series in Sarasota. After my internal alarm went off at 3AM and no chance of falling asleep again, we ogt ready and took off at 4:30 – the whole gang, my support crew and I. It had been raining and lightning all night so I wasn’t sure what we’d find. The waves were very rough and there was a very strong side current, after an attempt by the organizers to modify the swim course, they ended up cancelling the swim. Instead of a swim/bike/run event we all did a duathlon, run/bike/run. I for one wasn’t very happy cuz I know the second run can be really really tough.

Immediately after the gun went off, it started to rain and lightning again. The rain was coming down so hard it felt like hail. This was a beach run, which makes it even more difficult – loose sand, holes, puddles, tide, etc. I was on the third group, 8 minutes after the elites. The first run went better than I anticipated, per my calculations, I ran 8:15 miles, meaning I should have finished it in just over 25 mins.

The bike leg was an awesome experience for me. I passed people from the go. Must have passed about 20+ riders, even whole packs. I also learned that the USAT regulations require all passes be made on the left side. Another dude caught up with me on the last 3-4 miles and we just used each other’s effort to pull each other to go faster.

When I arrived at the transition area, I had a brief technical issue which set me back about 3-4 sec but the actual transition was so fast that I came out ahead of the people who got in just before me. I have to admit that my legs were spent before I got to the second run; they were not responding with speed when I asked them to. I swear, most of the people I passed on the bike went right by me on the run.

At the end, I finished as I had hoped – SPENT. I left my heart out on the course, gave it my all, with an unofficial time of 1:28:10. I hope to find a picture of me and Isabel crossing the line together. Melva and OJ also sacrificed their morning to join me here and we all got soaked in the rain.

Now, it is back to serious training. I can now tell I have lost some muscle tissue and gained a little bit of fat from my reduced training in May but I am not going to settle for this, even though I am wearing size 32 pants (from 38 in Jan). Now that my new bike is ready, I will start doing more bricks and some swimming.

In restrospect, this month worked out not as I wanted but as it should have. I exceeded my work goals even on this weak economy. This has allowed me set a strong foundation for an even stronger year. God has truly blessed us at home with a steady job, income and so much more than we need. We have also done our part in sharing our blessings; the kids finished school very strongly with excellent grades. Although Melva has bene suffering of a brutal lower back pain we’re hoping last week’s MRI will help diagnose and treat it soon.

My next race is on July 12. Just 5 more weeks down the road, so I will go now. Gotta go work my butt, erase that, belly off. C ya next time.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day already? - Time flies when your having fun

Can't believe that it is already two weeks since my last posting. It’s also Mother’s Day today, so congratulations to all moms…

The last couple of weeks have been real calm (more like, the calm before the storm). My mom was visiting and we basically focused on making her comfortable and keeping her busy, it was real nice to leave the standard routine for a little bit; and mostly, I am real glad she came over and we all spent some time together.

Aside from one training session per week, last Saturday (7 days to race day) I ran 10 miles that felt like I might have done a job on my right knee. On the next run, a 4 miler was all I could do for the rest of the week without risking injury right before my first race. So, no more runs.

On Sunday, did a short swim. I wanted to do some speed work as I had a long day ahead planned with the family and mom. Once on the water I realized I did not bring my stopwatch so I focused my swim on form. It was slow and making sure I could control each part of my stroke. Because this is a slow swim, I was only able to go for 1000 yards, about half of what I usually swim, but training is training and more importantly I did not just swim length.

On Tuesday, since my riding has plateau and no matter how much more I push in one week, it wouldn’t do much for my performance in less than a week, so I just did one ride at about 20 mph. Go the distance and enjoy the ride, something I haven’t really done in awhile. Bike for fun!

My weight has been stable at 185LB. This is great because I was concerned that the lower level of activity would affect my weight, and so far it hasn’t.

Friday Night – one day before my race
Getting everything I needed checked and rechecked, and then packed while dealing with a lot of stress was not easy. I wanted to be in bed by 10 but didn’t get to it until 11. Good thing my iPod has some motivational audio files, I slept like a baby and didn’t wake up until the alarm went off.

RACE DAY - Saturday morning
The alarm went off and I was up by 4:30 AM. Typical pre-workout breakfast: protein shake with a double shot of espresso. Now I’m wired and on the run. Got to ground zero (the race) by 6:00 AM and immediately setup transition (the spot where I will change from swimming to riding my bike and into my running gear). Then, went to check out the swim and warm-up. I do not have my official lap times but my overall was 1:10:47

Why didn’t the organizers check the tide times ahead? Turns out it’s low tide and the water was knee/thigh high throughout the entire course. This was a problem because my arms were actually longer than that. Finally, the organizer pushed the course about 200 feet into the bay. It wasn’t perfect but it was the best thing that could be done.
My swim didn’t go as well as I had planned and hoped for. I kept trying to find the bottom and stand whenever I saw someone walking the swim course. This caused some problems as I kept freaking out when I could not stand. Finally I made it to the last straightaway of the swim, and ran the last 200 yards. This may turn out against me if my legs get too tired.

My first transition or change into biking gear went super fast.

I had a little difficulty while pushing my bike on foot to the mounting location and that cost me a few seconds. The ride went awesomely well though. I kept on catching and passing people from the start until I found a rhythm and kept pushing with a couple of guys and a girl from the Tri Psych team. In my last race I could not get my legs to fire, or even find a rhythm, but this was different, and good.

My second transition was a flash, but my run did not start as well as I had hoped for. This is nothing a few brick runs can’t cure.

My legs did not fire enough to help me run fast enough during the first 2 miles. This was all over a dirt trail, but once I got on the asphalt, I started feeling it all come back. I even noticed a younger guy (ok, a kid) pass by me like a bay out of hell, but he was sidelined about 2 minutes later, this scenario repeated itself two more times, with the same guy. Finally, after the last turnaround I was joined by two gals, one of them the same Tri Psych that kept me pushing hard on the bike. At about 1/3 mile from the finish line they stopped at the water station while I kept going. I am glad this happened because I became the hunter again and just went chasing the next guy and realizing I was that close to the finish, I pushed with my all. I remember asking this guy to join me and come to the line with me but he did not respond. I honestly hope he doesn’t think I was being an a**,

At the finish line, the ticker said 1:14:47 for me, considering I went on the second wave four minutes after the first wave. Once I find the official numbers online, I will post the correct time.

This finish time to me is short of something amazing, and it reinforces this blog to me. Last year I completed one single race, the distances were very similar yet, my time today was about 17 minutes faster. Heck that is 25% faster. Considering the swim took about 15 minutes and my run started real slow, I have to think the biggest improvement was the bike, which is also were I felt most dominant. I am so excited about the progress I have made and can’t wait to get my official times.
Regarding my weight
This week with even less physical activity and a few slips like ice cream and less salad and fiber, I gained about 3 LBs. Although I am well within my safety zone, this kind of behavior is dangerous and I must get back to healthier eating habits so that even with less activity, I keep off the weight. I can not get too controlling but I can not let it get out of control. Getting back on lo-carb mode is necessary. Just in case there's any doubt of how my body has evolved take a look at my most recent picture. If I can get here, you can too! and triathlons are a great motivator.

I am now back to focusing my training so that I can shed a few more minutes on my next race, scheduled for June 6, which is in four weeks.

To my readers and followers. Thanks for reading my blog. Leave me your honest but positive comments and check back every two weeks to see how I do in this journey. I’d love to hear from you.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I hope I am on the right track

Wow, I am doing this a few days ahead as the weekend will be crammed.

To date: April 25/09 I have maintained my weight at 186 Lbs. My nutrition consists mainly of proteins and a few carbs (always shooting for whole grains). I have not increased my training routine but my abilities continue to improve. Is it a reaction to the weight loss?

Two weeks ago I did two routines for each of my three sports, one just happened to be a test triathlon I did on my own on Sunday morning. As my first scheduled race approaches on May 9, it was great to go over that and then point out what I did correctly and what I need to pay attention to. Here are the results:
SWIM (750 yds) - 14:03
BIKE (14.71 miles) - 46:41
RUN (3.31 mi) 33:42
I took just about a minute between each sport to get the appropriate gear on. For a grand total of 1HR:36MIN:37SEC

I am so excited as I should expect to repeat my one and only triathlon last year but about 5-6 minutes faster with the condition I am at today.

The week of April 20th has been rather limited as well but I reached a huge milestone. After resting my body for 2 days I ran 5.25 miles. This particular run felt real good: relaxed, with a spring in my feet, heart rate steady at 158, all the right stuff runners talk about. I finished in 44:04. What a surprise when I calculated that I ran at 8:24min/mile. WOW! I want more of this.

What was the cause of this speed?
Was it the rest? was it the triathlon on Sunday?
Was is the mexican meal I had 2 hrs prior? was it the weight loss?
I want to think it was a combination of events, but above all else, persistance and determination for 3 1/2 months are paying off in a big way.

This weekend will be my son's promotion to green belt in Tae Kwon Do. It'll also be his BDay - that means I will not be attending the season opening triathlon (St. Anthony's) in St Pete. Yes, I wanted to go but in the big scheme of things, there are things I can live without, and there are memories that I want to create and allow my children to relive later in life. God and Family are my top priorities, there will be other races to attend in less important weekends. If I am getting healthier now as an attempt to stay here in this life with them longer. I trust that you are all doing the same.

Sat 4/25: One more note to add- today I ran 10.56 miles in 1:46 - avg 10 min mile. Another milestone reached. I am well on track for completing a half marathon before the end of the year. Yipee!!!

Until my next blog, and GOD Bless!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bunny Hops and Easter Sunday

Hi there, thanks for tuning back in. I truly appreciate your support.

Before anything else - I have decided to switch my blog to a bi-monthly format. Reason being that I have pretty much achieved all of the goals I set at the beginning of the year (weight loss, triathlon training and work). On second thought, maintaining the achievements might be the hardest part, but I am still very focused.

During the last 2 weeks, I reached 184 LBs two separate days during the last 2 weeks but I am averaging 188. This week I cheated a little bit when we went on a friends and family outing to the beach and on Easter day. However, NOTHING stands between me and quality time with the family.

This week was Spring Break and we didn’t really do much, I took the last two days off from work. On Saturday, we went to Anna Maria Island – this beach has been consistently rated Top 5 in the US. It was a gorgeous day. 80 degrees/Sunny/low humidity; what can I say, a God-Blessed holiday indeed.

Either my skin is getting more sensitive, or I forgot that I need to put sunscreen on my scalp!!! YEOW!!! The good thing is that I was feeling pretty good on my new skin.

Easter Sunday included an egg hunt at my neighbors’. They really are some of the nicest people we’ve met here. I will post some pics during the week. We had a great time, the kids enjoyed the egg hunt, and with her Cuban family, we always feel just as with our family.

For next week my goals are:
Continue with two training sessions per sport each week
Maintain my weight (185-189 lbs)

Monday, March 23, 2009

It started as a dull and boring week...

Hi there, thanks again for joining me on this trip.

I have to admit that when this week started I faced travels and I also faced a very large business project and didn’t think I would be able to do a lot on the personal side but I did.

On Tuesday, while I was in Miami, I went to Key Biscayne where many triathletes train and race, I brought my bike along and though I was feeling kind of lost, I quickly found out about the do’s and don’ts and especially where they different groups meet.

That day’s workout wasn’t anything extraordinary but I got there, and did something. Soon I hope to fit in and be training with the right group.

Then on Thursday evening after I got home I went for a short run, I did 5.25 miles but the interesting detail was my pace. For the first time I felt like floating and when all was set and done I had run a 9:11 min/milethat’s my fastest run ever. In addition I learned to set my heart rate monitor correctly and my HR is actually stayed just around 151.

Saturday was my long bike ride. Exactly 31.9 miles in 1:47 – that’s an avg speed of 18 mph. Not bad considering the temp was about 60F degrees and the wind was strong from the NE.

On Sunday morning (also about 60F) I ran again, this time was my longest run so far. 9.3 miles in 1:33:45 or at an avg speed of 10:04 min / mile. The most important aspect of the workout was my heart rate, it stayed an avg of 151 for this distance. Cool.

No swimming though - and the coming week is expected to be cold again in FL.

Nutritionally I have managed to stay low carb without suffering one bit. And though my weight is stable at 190-192 LBs I am not gaining and all my customers have started to notice and praise my weight control achievement.

So, what seemed like a dull week, was actually one of several successes, and we all know that each journey consists of many steps.

See ya next week!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wow... you are reading this, I can't believe it. It works for me though.

Hi there… if you’re a new visitor, thank you for your interest; if you’ve been following my blog, thanks for checking with me again – don’t forget to send me your motivational thoughts, I am open to your feedback.

What I've done this week...

This week I am happy to report that I kept up with my program and did two weekly sessions per sport. But the highlight was the weekend.

On Saturday morning, I met with my swim coach and he had me do a lot of exercises with different rubber bands, etc. After that he had me swim 1800 yards; that’s 1 ¼ mile. It wasn’t all in one shot but it was all done within an hour.

My swim time for 100 yd is about 1:45, which is an avg speed for a recreational swimmer. Now, I need to sustain that speed for the needed distance (endurance). So, he gave me a few drills (focused swim sessions). Including swimming faster for 100 yd and resting for 20 seconds before doing another 100 yards, and he also had me swimming 25 yd (all out effort) eight times with one minute rest in between.

Needless to say, come Sunday morning, I am feeling the burn in my arms, shoulders and lats.

Then Sunday morning even before the sun was out, I setup a transition in front of my house where I would change from cycling gear into running gear, just as I would do on a race.

I went out for a time trial on my bike. A time trial is an all-out, non-stop ride where I am trying to make the best possible time. I immediately followed it by changing my shoes and helmet and took off running.

This type of routine is called BRICKS. Aand after doing it, I think it should be spelled with a "p" instead.

You see, when you’re on the bike, you’re using a specific set of leg muscles and when you run, you use different muscles. So, the first few minutes of the run feel like you’re carrying bricks in your feet and can barely lift your knees up.

Since this will occur on a race it is important to practice and get used to it in training.

I did not feel feel too bad after pushing so strong on the bike, so I went for my usual short run right after the bike. It was only four miles and I felt pretty good doing it.

I want to give you an idea of how hard these "bricks" are, I have been running at a 10:00 min per mile pace for the last 2 months, yet, for this brick run, I did 11:31 per mile. That’s not bad either but it is 15 % slower than my normal, rested speed.

So, my body thought me a few, new things this week:

I am certainly capable of completing a Sprint triathlon, possibly an Olympic distance too
My persistence in training is paying off.

By the end of the week I will have registered to the Publix Family Fitness series - commiting to three individual races for points, as well as a champioship race. Sometime in June I will determine if I am ready for a half marathon later in the season.

So, I am very pumped up about how and where all this training is going. I hope you find this either interesting or motivational to you. And I hope you come back next week....

TThese accomplishments are so great for me that all I am saying about my weight this week is that I didn't lose and I didn't gain. My analysis next week, following some additional changes. See you then.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

This week I have some great successes to share:

First in addition to my week’s training (at least one session for each sport), Saturday morning started with a 1700 yd swim (that’s over a mile) and a 30 mile bike ride in the afternoon at full strength. Then, this morning, even with the time change, I completed a 9 mile run at just below a 10 min pace.

I was very tired both days, but some CBEX took care of it.

The great thing for me in doing these workouts is the satisfaction of knowing I can complete an Olympic distance tri.

During the week, I did two, 4 mile runs, rode my bike for an hour and a half on the trainer – that should amount to about the same as a 3 hour road ride. Then I did a short 500 swim

Also, right after the run, I weighed in at 188.5 Lbs – That’s 30 LBS! since I started this training program. In addition to the low carb lifestyle, the key has been staying away from coffee/caffeinated products. I have eaten small amounts of carbs without any issues. I am surprised that this has been so easy for me, but I will admit, neither carbs nor caffeine are attractive to me anymore.

I hear that I should apologize for the recent picture I posted here last week but I kept getting inquiries about how I was doing and looking. There it is, and there it’ll stay. This is MY blog. – hey, I’m just typing off a little fun.


This week’s been tough. Need to work on this.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Another month is here upon us....

This week I did two workouts per sport, which is actually what my training plan calls for. This is a great achievement to me, considering I have dreaded the swim workouts until now.

That said, I did not do an 8 mile run this week as my legs felt real heavy during each of the 4 milers I did. I hope that with some rest, I will be able to pull a 9-miler next week.

Now, I feel great and am looking forward to this new month, and a new beginning to my diet (induction stage) of the low carb-style. This means less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day for 10 days.

My weight was in a balance between 194 and 198, but that’s fine as long as I don’t hit 200 lbs again, I have until June to get to 185 Lbs. I have handled my diet real well, I even allowed me one high-carb dinner at a Puerto Rican restaurant on Saturday evening, but more importantly I enjoyed a real nice day of cycling around the park and dining with the family and friends – losing weight and working out is important, but enjoying life is a lot more important.

Another reason I feel so great this week is because I achieved and exceeded my work goals for February and got a good head start on March, allowing me to relax somewhat. All the sacrifices early on the month, paid off. I have to find a way to do more of this in a balanced way.

I am not sure how many people are following this blog, but let me know if it has motivated you in any way. I am looking forward to your comments.

Here's a recent picture. Bear in mind this is work in progress. I am now 20 Lbs lighter than I was 2 months ago.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It is not about how many times you fall, it is about how many times you get up after the fall.

First, if you’re following my blog, I apologize for skipping my blog entry last week, simply because I had nothing much to add, and so is life sometimes. That said, I am back in the direction I want and am writing about new achievements and lessons about my body. I hope I continue to surprise and maybe wvwn motivate some of you.

The last couple of weeks were psychologically difficult; as my weight stalled and my exercise time had become very constrained, mainly due to travels and work pressures (I know, at least I still got a job). Even then, I found ways to incorporate at least a single workout session each week, plus another in the weekend. But that’s all gone now. I will stick to focusing on the present and near future…

After 3 weeks of stalled weight loss, I went back to quitting coffee. Surprisingly, weight started to fall again this week; coincidence, I think not. As you’ve read here, I have adopted a permanent low-carb lifestyle. It was clearly explained in the literature that caffeine causes insulin release (just what sugars and other carbs do). Insulin promotes fat-storage.

I have kept my carb intake very limited for 6 weeks now, and I have done tremendously well at that. I emphasize the word LIMITED because complete lack of dietary carbohydrates will ruin your kidneys. Choose the right carbs, and if you find you have no alternative, then, minimize your intake. This is very similar to a diabetic lifestyle.

The scale reached 194LB this morning (lost another 3 lbs), and today, I extended my Saturday run to 9 miles. I am well on target to reach my target weight of 185 by June (maybe earlier), and now that I will begin to extend my run by 10% per week, again, I am targeting a ½ marathon race sometime in the latter months of the summer, or a few weeks after my first Olympic triathlon. I know I can go the distance.

By next week I shall know what my target races are going to be this year so I can schedule my training to peak for them. I have been avoiding it for being my weakest event, but I will make a conscious effort to get at least one swim training session per week now that the weather should return to warm.

Now that I know I absolutely can not take coffee, and that I will be working from my home base a couple of weeks, I can focus on: 1. continue with the weight loss trend and 2. stop talking about not swimming and get ass on the pool and my swim workouts started. I trust my next blog entry will include some new achievements, and I hope to read your supporting comments.

It has been said that an Olympic-distance Triathlon requires the same effort of a marathon. Except that the other events are taken into consideration (cross raining). If I can finish an Olympic distance triathlon, then I know with certainty that I will be able to do a marathon next year; but this is 2009, and I will just focus on the ½ marathon.

Your old couch potato on his journey to becoming an Ironman.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Every day... a struggle, and an opportunity

This week my friends has been a tough one; I guess it happens in all habit shifts.

-My weight stalled, my training stalled, I ate a few carb meals and I still can not get myself to include a swim workout other than last Saturday's w/ coach. All in all, the reason why I am writing this blog and announced it to all of you is because I knew weeks like these would come, and I would need your support.

Because of my business traveling schedule (next 2 weeks will be similar), I could only afford 2 workouts. Its easier to just get anything to eat when traveling, and I failed to consider the steps that have been made until now.

Above all the changes, I declare three statements for this coming week;
- Even though I will be traveling quite a bit, I will stick to my meals.
- I will find a way to put at least 2 runs no matter how late they happen.
- I will do whatever it takes to make things happen.

Like most of us, I worry lots about the economy and possible impact in my home and family but I try not to think about it during the day. I have to find the next sale, and the next new customer. This week I have a trade show for which I am very optimistic, but it's been hard to get to people and I have company visitors who want to be in front of these people. So, I put it in the hands of God - I know that as long as I work hard, and act morally, he will make sure I end my day well.

EVERY morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lios wakes up. it knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death. - It doesn't matter whethre you are the lion or the gazelle- when the sun comes up, you'd better BE RUNNING.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tampa Bay on Superbowl Sunday... One month into my journey.

This week (Superbowl week) has been a crazy one here in the Tampa Bay area... all the news are focusing on the stupid celebrities. Don't get me wrong, I do applaud the few ones who are in touch with their souls (aka Tony Dungy) and are good role models, however, the majority are a bunch of scumbags. And though football is not my favorite sport, watching the Superbowl is like the watching the Hawaii Ironman.

Now back to the purpose of this blog... One month into my journey.

This week I reached a major milestone. I reached the halfway mark of my weight goal, in just one month. Yes, I am aware that the first pounds are the easiest to lose, and that this is the time when most people sabotage their plans. To me, I have truly enjoyed the lo-carb lifestyle and don't miss a gram of carb, so I know I will be able to stay on track; I am also looking forward to doing my workouts. I have had 2 black espressos a few days apart, have had a few sandwiches, but have not failed on my new food program (I refuse to call it a diet). The weather this week was a bit cold for any outdoor rides but today was a beauty at 65, I couldn't resist putting in a long run.

Regarding physical activity:

Swim: my first and only swim workout on Sat AM (heated outdoor pool on 40 degree weather) - swim with coach Roy who picked on a few areas I need to work and improve. There was no distance or time measured, just swim while the coached observed me. His feedback: not bad for never having a coach, but... lots of improvement are needed. One main area to focus: endurance.

Bike: Rode Spinervals twice, once endurance the other speed.

Run: 5k race route at 9:42/mile and a long 8.12 mile at 9:50/mi. No doubt the weight loss (about 8% of my starting weight) has affected my speed and ability to go long. Felt real good at the end; probably could have gone for 10.

On Tue, I ran out of gas during the 5K route, a few factors to consider: 1. ran pre-lunch 2. this was a nooner run (never before). I thought this meant that I would have to adjust my diet to include more carbs, but I didn't have this effect on any of the other workouts, most likely this means that I went anaerobic on that run, but I have to learn to stay aerobic - and the best way is by inching up my lactate threshold. Plan: stick to lo carb as planned. Practice more intervals for LT tolerance.

Last week I was 5 lbs heavier. This week, I reached the halfway mark on my weight loss goal, and exercised on all three sports. Looks like I am sticking to this plan.

I had the crazy idea that if I stay on this track I might try a half marathon (13.1 mi) this season. That's a 2010 goal. I will need to consult this with my coach - I am not sure if I should try to go the distance, or if I should focus on speed, but I can't deny that the bug has bitten me and I have an itch for a half marathon. I'll let you know the decision later on this blog.

I gotta go now, halftime show just started. Hey, I only watch the Superbowl for the commercials... right!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is causing this?... oh, but it feels soooo good!

Wow, what a weekend! Friday nite, I babysat the kids while my wife did another jewelry demo and had her best sale yet.

Saturday, we went with some friends to the children's Gasparilla parade. We were securing our post along the route at 10:30 AM and the activity didnt even start until 3... ah, and we were close to the end, so it took another 50-60 minutes for the floats to reach us. That was a day long thing, no chance for a workout, but I did pick the right snacks to bring along so I wouldn't cheat. At 2PM ahd a pork kabob and at 8 a grilled chicken salad.

Today the weather was more to my taste, I gotup at 7AM and went for a run in 55 deg. My intention was to go slow but long. A few months ago, slow meant 13 minutes per mile. When I finished my run and checked my timer and heart rate monitor, I had gone 8.4 miles at a 9:46 pace... wait, I was supposed to be going slow. I know I inserted a few "sprints" here and there but I thought I was catching up on my slowdowns, not finish my fastest pace since I started training.

Then, I just switched into my cycling gear and went for a 12.5 mile time trial ride - this is an all-out effort for a specific route (most of FL is flat anyways). It turns out I averaged over 21 MPH.

After a shower (ah and a 202.5 LB scale reading) then some chow and some homework review, the whole family went to the science museum. It's 10:30PM now and I am still buzzing!

So, what is causing this?
How come I am moving faster than ever before?
How come I have not been able to sleep 6 hrs any night of 2009?
How come I feel like that drummer bunny on TV?
- Is it the change in the foods I've been eating? Is it my new running shoes? Is it the moon or the new year?... what is it? I want to know because I am getting addicted. It's not caffeine as I have temporarilly quit it...

The way I see it, this is a wave I am going to ride as long as I can and get the most out of it.

I have not cheated on my low-carb habits either.
The only thing I regret not doing today is going to church - my workout ended near noontime and we were at the museum at the time of te last mass of the day, but I am sure that my Lord wanted me to spend that time with my kids too, so I don't really feel too bad.

I will keep you posted on my energy levels and if/when I have a response to this question. If you know what's causing this? Don't bother telling me and bursting my bubble, I want more of it....

Friday, January 23, 2009

How this started...

Back in HS, I started cycling and I loved the beach. Never being of competitive speed or endurance, and always finding diversions, I came accross the sport of triathlons and thought: What a cool thing. That's way too hard and You must be crazy to do that!

As I went through college, I trained and even did my first race in 1992. Trialo Rincoeno (Rincon, PR). It was an awesome experience, and to top it off, I think it was the first man-to-man weekend I had experienced with my dad in many years. I completed a few more races after that, but never really focused on training. Then, my first big corp job... and I said good bye to any other dream but making a carreer where I was.

Then as the yr 2001 was ending, and after being laid off (effects of 9/11), I picked up on my training with some of my friends and completed another 2 races the next year. It was during a training ride that someone told me "Man, how come I see you training hard with us so often, yet, you're still so fat?". He introduced me to a book called Protein Power. This was also the era of Atkins, so, it became very easy to follow a high protein/low carbohydrate diet. After a few months, my weight was down to 190 or 185. Needless to say, my wife loved it, but more importantly, I did too, and now I know it is something I can achieve. The challenge would be to stay at that weight.

Fastforward to New Year 2008 - my resolution; To get back in shape by training for triathlons, and lose at least 20 Lbs. I started jogging and barely completed a mile but little by little, and following a 10% weekly increase formula, I first started feeling better, and then started extending my jogs. In fact, I remember that I was not counting distance but time (minutes). It is a lot easier to add 10% this way. At the staring point I am tipping the scale at 230LB (maybe more)...

I also went through a conscious mind re-programming session for weight loss. We focused on eating habits and conditioning myself to eating just what I needed, not what I could fit into my stomach. We also refocused the mind on enjoying the exercise I was about to give it. I guess desperation makes you look for solutions outside your normal parameters. And this one was a good find.

These two changes combined brought about a loss of 25 Lbs and enjoying a frequent workout. Problem was that although I kept up with the exercise for the most part, I still ate like a pig. My weight is back at 215LB on January 1, 2009

New Year Resolution 2009: I started making plans for training and races when I was talking to the folks at Hit The Trails about my HR situation and he said "I must be a sugar burner". That really stuck to me and after searching the web it turns out I have all the symptoms, and I should live a low carb lifestyle... not a diet, but a lifestyle.

Although I had "tried" this a few other times since 2002, I always failed. On January 13, 2009 (ten days ago) I started again, this time I am so much more confident and commited. I didnt even experience any withdrawal effects, not even with my coffee. My scale is showing me 8 LBs less this morning than onthe 13th, (and 10 less than on January 1).

This weight loss didn't come just with a change of foods...
I keep exercising as much as I can. Last Sat, onthe 5th day of my initiation, I ran a 10K race. My time: 1:02:03 This means my pace was 10:00 per mile for 6.2 miles and the temp was 34F. I have been running up to 8 miles on training. I have been doing a lot of different trainer sessions on my bike indoors, and now I can also say that my level of hunger has decreased and I am not overeating like when I was eating all kinds of carbs before a meal. Drinking water has become a natural and desirable part of the day. I also listen to my reprogarmming audio 3-4 times a week to help me stay in control.

Today my weight is 205 Lb and it is Friday.
What will tomorrow bring?

Come back and read about it...

In the beginning...

This is my first blog. Not an easy thing for me due to work, family and training taking up soooo much time, but a promise is a promise. And above all, I want to share with you, my friends, the realization of a dream, and hopefully, serve as inspiration to some.

Dreams are something we initially, simply imagine, not getting the grasp that it could be our own reality if we want it. As time goes on, and it's stuck with you, YOU decide, YOU make the commitment, to do whatever it takes to make it a reality.

As some of you know, this has been a dream of mine for many many years (I calculated 22 yrs). I've even introduced a few friends to the it, and yet, they have gone ahead and made it THEIR reality. In the meantime, all I turned into realities were excuses. Excuses for not chasing my dream... perhaps, I didn't consider it a reality for me, like the many other thousands of dreams that go thru my head every day and night. But now, this is something that I WANT, in fact, I've been wanting it for just about a year now. So, I am making a real commitment. So strong, that I am putting my heart and soul out here for you to read, while I am in the process of achieving it. BTW, I'm giving you permission to mock me if at some point, before reaching the goal, I happen to drop out. But it is not my plan to do that.

In our society, our fast paced, rapid refund society, we let go of those dreams (aka goals)that require a lot of investment, those that don't bring immediate satisfaction. Perhaps it is why I didn't pursue this dream before. But as the year when I hit 40 candles in my cake arrives, suddenly I find myself 35 Lb overweight, and poor physical health (a combination of several factors). That is about to change, and I want you to be a witness.

Follow me on this journey, while I turn my dream into a reality; and I hope that I inspire some of you.