From Couch to Ironman


This blog is my journey from being a couch potato to becoming a (half) ironman finisher. It is a work in progress. Although the blog starts on January 23, 2009, I took the first step a year ago. I will try to keep updating every Sunday (once a week). This one started with the decision to lose 35 LBs before June. Read and see where I am. You'll also find out where I've been and where I am headed.

My Training Volume

Friday, April 24, 2009

I hope I am on the right track

Wow, I am doing this a few days ahead as the weekend will be crammed.

To date: April 25/09 I have maintained my weight at 186 Lbs. My nutrition consists mainly of proteins and a few carbs (always shooting for whole grains). I have not increased my training routine but my abilities continue to improve. Is it a reaction to the weight loss?

Two weeks ago I did two routines for each of my three sports, one just happened to be a test triathlon I did on my own on Sunday morning. As my first scheduled race approaches on May 9, it was great to go over that and then point out what I did correctly and what I need to pay attention to. Here are the results:
SWIM (750 yds) - 14:03
BIKE (14.71 miles) - 46:41
RUN (3.31 mi) 33:42
I took just about a minute between each sport to get the appropriate gear on. For a grand total of 1HR:36MIN:37SEC

I am so excited as I should expect to repeat my one and only triathlon last year but about 5-6 minutes faster with the condition I am at today.

The week of April 20th has been rather limited as well but I reached a huge milestone. After resting my body for 2 days I ran 5.25 miles. This particular run felt real good: relaxed, with a spring in my feet, heart rate steady at 158, all the right stuff runners talk about. I finished in 44:04. What a surprise when I calculated that I ran at 8:24min/mile. WOW! I want more of this.

What was the cause of this speed?
Was it the rest? was it the triathlon on Sunday?
Was is the mexican meal I had 2 hrs prior? was it the weight loss?
I want to think it was a combination of events, but above all else, persistance and determination for 3 1/2 months are paying off in a big way.

This weekend will be my son's promotion to green belt in Tae Kwon Do. It'll also be his BDay - that means I will not be attending the season opening triathlon (St. Anthony's) in St Pete. Yes, I wanted to go but in the big scheme of things, there are things I can live without, and there are memories that I want to create and allow my children to relive later in life. God and Family are my top priorities, there will be other races to attend in less important weekends. If I am getting healthier now as an attempt to stay here in this life with them longer. I trust that you are all doing the same.

Sat 4/25: One more note to add- today I ran 10.56 miles in 1:46 - avg 10 min mile. Another milestone reached. I am well on track for completing a half marathon before the end of the year. Yipee!!!

Until my next blog, and GOD Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Great job, ur brother here... i hope it wasnt the mexican food what made u go a bit faster, it all depends where was the finish line. LOL... Joking apart, u look good, and have made tremenduous achivements, congrats.
