From Couch to Ironman


This blog is my journey from being a couch potato to becoming a (half) ironman finisher. It is a work in progress. Although the blog starts on January 23, 2009, I took the first step a year ago. I will try to keep updating every Sunday (once a week). This one started with the decision to lose 35 LBs before June. Read and see where I am. You'll also find out where I've been and where I am headed.

My Training Volume

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is causing this?... oh, but it feels soooo good!

Wow, what a weekend! Friday nite, I babysat the kids while my wife did another jewelry demo and had her best sale yet.

Saturday, we went with some friends to the children's Gasparilla parade. We were securing our post along the route at 10:30 AM and the activity didnt even start until 3... ah, and we were close to the end, so it took another 50-60 minutes for the floats to reach us. That was a day long thing, no chance for a workout, but I did pick the right snacks to bring along so I wouldn't cheat. At 2PM ahd a pork kabob and at 8 a grilled chicken salad.

Today the weather was more to my taste, I gotup at 7AM and went for a run in 55 deg. My intention was to go slow but long. A few months ago, slow meant 13 minutes per mile. When I finished my run and checked my timer and heart rate monitor, I had gone 8.4 miles at a 9:46 pace... wait, I was supposed to be going slow. I know I inserted a few "sprints" here and there but I thought I was catching up on my slowdowns, not finish my fastest pace since I started training.

Then, I just switched into my cycling gear and went for a 12.5 mile time trial ride - this is an all-out effort for a specific route (most of FL is flat anyways). It turns out I averaged over 21 MPH.

After a shower (ah and a 202.5 LB scale reading) then some chow and some homework review, the whole family went to the science museum. It's 10:30PM now and I am still buzzing!

So, what is causing this?
How come I am moving faster than ever before?
How come I have not been able to sleep 6 hrs any night of 2009?
How come I feel like that drummer bunny on TV?
- Is it the change in the foods I've been eating? Is it my new running shoes? Is it the moon or the new year?... what is it? I want to know because I am getting addicted. It's not caffeine as I have temporarilly quit it...

The way I see it, this is a wave I am going to ride as long as I can and get the most out of it.

I have not cheated on my low-carb habits either.
The only thing I regret not doing today is going to church - my workout ended near noontime and we were at the museum at the time of te last mass of the day, but I am sure that my Lord wanted me to spend that time with my kids too, so I don't really feel too bad.

I will keep you posted on my energy levels and if/when I have a response to this question. If you know what's causing this? Don't bother telling me and bursting my bubble, I want more of it....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your blog with me. I already find it inspirational, even though you are only on the beginning stages of accomplishing your goal. I'm getting back into an exercise routine after taking 1 full year off from regular exercise. I ran 4 marathons in a span of 2 years and it burned me out. I decided to take a year off to recover phisically and mentally. Not sure what I will do next as far as a goal to work towards; half marathon? Olympic tri? But I know that I will keep working to maintain a manageable weight and a healthier lifestyle. I will keep track of your progress through your blog and keep using it as inspiration for my workouts. Take care and Godspeed!
    Un abrazo de corazon,
