From Couch to Ironman


This blog is my journey from being a couch potato to becoming a (half) ironman finisher. It is a work in progress. Although the blog starts on January 23, 2009, I took the first step a year ago. I will try to keep updating every Sunday (once a week). This one started with the decision to lose 35 LBs before June. Read and see where I am. You'll also find out where I've been and where I am headed.

My Training Volume

Friday, January 23, 2009

How this started...

Back in HS, I started cycling and I loved the beach. Never being of competitive speed or endurance, and always finding diversions, I came accross the sport of triathlons and thought: What a cool thing. That's way too hard and You must be crazy to do that!

As I went through college, I trained and even did my first race in 1992. Trialo Rincoeno (Rincon, PR). It was an awesome experience, and to top it off, I think it was the first man-to-man weekend I had experienced with my dad in many years. I completed a few more races after that, but never really focused on training. Then, my first big corp job... and I said good bye to any other dream but making a carreer where I was.

Then as the yr 2001 was ending, and after being laid off (effects of 9/11), I picked up on my training with some of my friends and completed another 2 races the next year. It was during a training ride that someone told me "Man, how come I see you training hard with us so often, yet, you're still so fat?". He introduced me to a book called Protein Power. This was also the era of Atkins, so, it became very easy to follow a high protein/low carbohydrate diet. After a few months, my weight was down to 190 or 185. Needless to say, my wife loved it, but more importantly, I did too, and now I know it is something I can achieve. The challenge would be to stay at that weight.

Fastforward to New Year 2008 - my resolution; To get back in shape by training for triathlons, and lose at least 20 Lbs. I started jogging and barely completed a mile but little by little, and following a 10% weekly increase formula, I first started feeling better, and then started extending my jogs. In fact, I remember that I was not counting distance but time (minutes). It is a lot easier to add 10% this way. At the staring point I am tipping the scale at 230LB (maybe more)...

I also went through a conscious mind re-programming session for weight loss. We focused on eating habits and conditioning myself to eating just what I needed, not what I could fit into my stomach. We also refocused the mind on enjoying the exercise I was about to give it. I guess desperation makes you look for solutions outside your normal parameters. And this one was a good find.

These two changes combined brought about a loss of 25 Lbs and enjoying a frequent workout. Problem was that although I kept up with the exercise for the most part, I still ate like a pig. My weight is back at 215LB on January 1, 2009

New Year Resolution 2009: I started making plans for training and races when I was talking to the folks at Hit The Trails about my HR situation and he said "I must be a sugar burner". That really stuck to me and after searching the web it turns out I have all the symptoms, and I should live a low carb lifestyle... not a diet, but a lifestyle.

Although I had "tried" this a few other times since 2002, I always failed. On January 13, 2009 (ten days ago) I started again, this time I am so much more confident and commited. I didnt even experience any withdrawal effects, not even with my coffee. My scale is showing me 8 LBs less this morning than onthe 13th, (and 10 less than on January 1).

This weight loss didn't come just with a change of foods...
I keep exercising as much as I can. Last Sat, onthe 5th day of my initiation, I ran a 10K race. My time: 1:02:03 This means my pace was 10:00 per mile for 6.2 miles and the temp was 34F. I have been running up to 8 miles on training. I have been doing a lot of different trainer sessions on my bike indoors, and now I can also say that my level of hunger has decreased and I am not overeating like when I was eating all kinds of carbs before a meal. Drinking water has become a natural and desirable part of the day. I also listen to my reprogarmming audio 3-4 times a week to help me stay in control.

Today my weight is 205 Lb and it is Friday.
What will tomorrow bring?

Come back and read about it...

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed by your commitment to lead a healthier lifestyle. We are also trying to cut out processed foods and eat more fruits and veggies. It isn't easy to do in a world where junk food seems to be everywhere! Good luck on your journey!
