From Couch to Ironman


This blog is my journey from being a couch potato to becoming a (half) ironman finisher. It is a work in progress. Although the blog starts on January 23, 2009, I took the first step a year ago. I will try to keep updating every Sunday (once a week). This one started with the decision to lose 35 LBs before June. Read and see where I am. You'll also find out where I've been and where I am headed.

My Training Volume

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It is not about how many times you fall, it is about how many times you get up after the fall.

First, if you’re following my blog, I apologize for skipping my blog entry last week, simply because I had nothing much to add, and so is life sometimes. That said, I am back in the direction I want and am writing about new achievements and lessons about my body. I hope I continue to surprise and maybe wvwn motivate some of you.

The last couple of weeks were psychologically difficult; as my weight stalled and my exercise time had become very constrained, mainly due to travels and work pressures (I know, at least I still got a job). Even then, I found ways to incorporate at least a single workout session each week, plus another in the weekend. But that’s all gone now. I will stick to focusing on the present and near future…

After 3 weeks of stalled weight loss, I went back to quitting coffee. Surprisingly, weight started to fall again this week; coincidence, I think not. As you’ve read here, I have adopted a permanent low-carb lifestyle. It was clearly explained in the literature that caffeine causes insulin release (just what sugars and other carbs do). Insulin promotes fat-storage.

I have kept my carb intake very limited for 6 weeks now, and I have done tremendously well at that. I emphasize the word LIMITED because complete lack of dietary carbohydrates will ruin your kidneys. Choose the right carbs, and if you find you have no alternative, then, minimize your intake. This is very similar to a diabetic lifestyle.

The scale reached 194LB this morning (lost another 3 lbs), and today, I extended my Saturday run to 9 miles. I am well on target to reach my target weight of 185 by June (maybe earlier), and now that I will begin to extend my run by 10% per week, again, I am targeting a ½ marathon race sometime in the latter months of the summer, or a few weeks after my first Olympic triathlon. I know I can go the distance.

By next week I shall know what my target races are going to be this year so I can schedule my training to peak for them. I have been avoiding it for being my weakest event, but I will make a conscious effort to get at least one swim training session per week now that the weather should return to warm.

Now that I know I absolutely can not take coffee, and that I will be working from my home base a couple of weeks, I can focus on: 1. continue with the weight loss trend and 2. stop talking about not swimming and get ass on the pool and my swim workouts started. I trust my next blog entry will include some new achievements, and I hope to read your supporting comments.

It has been said that an Olympic-distance Triathlon requires the same effort of a marathon. Except that the other events are taken into consideration (cross raining). If I can finish an Olympic distance triathlon, then I know with certainty that I will be able to do a marathon next year; but this is 2009, and I will just focus on the ½ marathon.

Your old couch potato on his journey to becoming an Ironman.

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