From Couch to Ironman


This blog is my journey from being a couch potato to becoming a (half) ironman finisher. It is a work in progress. Although the blog starts on January 23, 2009, I took the first step a year ago. I will try to keep updating every Sunday (once a week). This one started with the decision to lose 35 LBs before June. Read and see where I am. You'll also find out where I've been and where I am headed.

My Training Volume

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It is not about how many times you fall, it is about how many times you get up after the fall.

First, if you’re following my blog, I apologize for skipping my blog entry last week, simply because I had nothing much to add, and so is life sometimes. That said, I am back in the direction I want and am writing about new achievements and lessons about my body. I hope I continue to surprise and maybe wvwn motivate some of you.

The last couple of weeks were psychologically difficult; as my weight stalled and my exercise time had become very constrained, mainly due to travels and work pressures (I know, at least I still got a job). Even then, I found ways to incorporate at least a single workout session each week, plus another in the weekend. But that’s all gone now. I will stick to focusing on the present and near future…

After 3 weeks of stalled weight loss, I went back to quitting coffee. Surprisingly, weight started to fall again this week; coincidence, I think not. As you’ve read here, I have adopted a permanent low-carb lifestyle. It was clearly explained in the literature that caffeine causes insulin release (just what sugars and other carbs do). Insulin promotes fat-storage.

I have kept my carb intake very limited for 6 weeks now, and I have done tremendously well at that. I emphasize the word LIMITED because complete lack of dietary carbohydrates will ruin your kidneys. Choose the right carbs, and if you find you have no alternative, then, minimize your intake. This is very similar to a diabetic lifestyle.

The scale reached 194LB this morning (lost another 3 lbs), and today, I extended my Saturday run to 9 miles. I am well on target to reach my target weight of 185 by June (maybe earlier), and now that I will begin to extend my run by 10% per week, again, I am targeting a ½ marathon race sometime in the latter months of the summer, or a few weeks after my first Olympic triathlon. I know I can go the distance.

By next week I shall know what my target races are going to be this year so I can schedule my training to peak for them. I have been avoiding it for being my weakest event, but I will make a conscious effort to get at least one swim training session per week now that the weather should return to warm.

Now that I know I absolutely can not take coffee, and that I will be working from my home base a couple of weeks, I can focus on: 1. continue with the weight loss trend and 2. stop talking about not swimming and get ass on the pool and my swim workouts started. I trust my next blog entry will include some new achievements, and I hope to read your supporting comments.

It has been said that an Olympic-distance Triathlon requires the same effort of a marathon. Except that the other events are taken into consideration (cross raining). If I can finish an Olympic distance triathlon, then I know with certainty that I will be able to do a marathon next year; but this is 2009, and I will just focus on the ½ marathon.

Your old couch potato on his journey to becoming an Ironman.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Every day... a struggle, and an opportunity

This week my friends has been a tough one; I guess it happens in all habit shifts.

-My weight stalled, my training stalled, I ate a few carb meals and I still can not get myself to include a swim workout other than last Saturday's w/ coach. All in all, the reason why I am writing this blog and announced it to all of you is because I knew weeks like these would come, and I would need your support.

Because of my business traveling schedule (next 2 weeks will be similar), I could only afford 2 workouts. Its easier to just get anything to eat when traveling, and I failed to consider the steps that have been made until now.

Above all the changes, I declare three statements for this coming week;
- Even though I will be traveling quite a bit, I will stick to my meals.
- I will find a way to put at least 2 runs no matter how late they happen.
- I will do whatever it takes to make things happen.

Like most of us, I worry lots about the economy and possible impact in my home and family but I try not to think about it during the day. I have to find the next sale, and the next new customer. This week I have a trade show for which I am very optimistic, but it's been hard to get to people and I have company visitors who want to be in front of these people. So, I put it in the hands of God - I know that as long as I work hard, and act morally, he will make sure I end my day well.

EVERY morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lios wakes up. it knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death. - It doesn't matter whethre you are the lion or the gazelle- when the sun comes up, you'd better BE RUNNING.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tampa Bay on Superbowl Sunday... One month into my journey.

This week (Superbowl week) has been a crazy one here in the Tampa Bay area... all the news are focusing on the stupid celebrities. Don't get me wrong, I do applaud the few ones who are in touch with their souls (aka Tony Dungy) and are good role models, however, the majority are a bunch of scumbags. And though football is not my favorite sport, watching the Superbowl is like the watching the Hawaii Ironman.

Now back to the purpose of this blog... One month into my journey.

This week I reached a major milestone. I reached the halfway mark of my weight goal, in just one month. Yes, I am aware that the first pounds are the easiest to lose, and that this is the time when most people sabotage their plans. To me, I have truly enjoyed the lo-carb lifestyle and don't miss a gram of carb, so I know I will be able to stay on track; I am also looking forward to doing my workouts. I have had 2 black espressos a few days apart, have had a few sandwiches, but have not failed on my new food program (I refuse to call it a diet). The weather this week was a bit cold for any outdoor rides but today was a beauty at 65, I couldn't resist putting in a long run.

Regarding physical activity:

Swim: my first and only swim workout on Sat AM (heated outdoor pool on 40 degree weather) - swim with coach Roy who picked on a few areas I need to work and improve. There was no distance or time measured, just swim while the coached observed me. His feedback: not bad for never having a coach, but... lots of improvement are needed. One main area to focus: endurance.

Bike: Rode Spinervals twice, once endurance the other speed.

Run: 5k race route at 9:42/mile and a long 8.12 mile at 9:50/mi. No doubt the weight loss (about 8% of my starting weight) has affected my speed and ability to go long. Felt real good at the end; probably could have gone for 10.

On Tue, I ran out of gas during the 5K route, a few factors to consider: 1. ran pre-lunch 2. this was a nooner run (never before). I thought this meant that I would have to adjust my diet to include more carbs, but I didn't have this effect on any of the other workouts, most likely this means that I went anaerobic on that run, but I have to learn to stay aerobic - and the best way is by inching up my lactate threshold. Plan: stick to lo carb as planned. Practice more intervals for LT tolerance.

Last week I was 5 lbs heavier. This week, I reached the halfway mark on my weight loss goal, and exercised on all three sports. Looks like I am sticking to this plan.

I had the crazy idea that if I stay on this track I might try a half marathon (13.1 mi) this season. That's a 2010 goal. I will need to consult this with my coach - I am not sure if I should try to go the distance, or if I should focus on speed, but I can't deny that the bug has bitten me and I have an itch for a half marathon. I'll let you know the decision later on this blog.

I gotta go now, halftime show just started. Hey, I only watch the Superbowl for the commercials... right!