From Couch to Ironman


This blog is my journey from being a couch potato to becoming a (half) ironman finisher. It is a work in progress. Although the blog starts on January 23, 2009, I took the first step a year ago. I will try to keep updating every Sunday (once a week). This one started with the decision to lose 35 LBs before June. Read and see where I am. You'll also find out where I've been and where I am headed.

My Training Volume

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

Yes, Merry CHRISTMAS to you and everyone near your heart, regardless of your religious affiliation. I will also want to wish you a Merry _____ (fill the blank according to your own religious affiliation).

Its been awhile since I wrote something on my wall, but its because I switched to the easier format of Facebook. Yes, a blog is for the more creative minds, but it also takes more time.

Today, as I ponder upon the last 12 months I am very happy to report so many blessings and successes have been laid at my feet that I know I won't talk about all of them here, but nonetheless I will talk to you about a few of them.

First and foremost and even without proof of HIS existence, I believe in GOD. It is by His will that I am still here today. He has given me the tools to build my life, and it has been my decision to use (or not to) those tools. Sometimes I use them for the benefit of humanity, sometimes just for my own.

I continue to enjoy a very happy and loving relationship with my wife and kids. One of my Facebook posts went like this:
"One cynic described marriage as one year of flame and forty years of ashes. I believe he thought this because he related love to feeling, not to a daily decision. The feeling of love comes and goes and comes back again, like your appetite. The commitment of love is unrelenting and sure. Loving commitment is an act of... the will - a self-disciplined lifestyle. Love your spouse and love God."

In 2009 I lost 40 LBs. I am sooooo very happy to announce that I have kept most of it off. Except for 3-5 LBs during the past few weeks where I eat all the holiday food, but since I now know the formula for success, I amnot worried.

Right now I am on a training break. Instead of training 5-6 days a week I am only doing 2-3 but come January 1, hang on to your socks 'cuz I am going to get back on track. This coming year I have a couple of half Ironmans. I never would have dreamed of doing this in 2010 but I feel that he base I have built in 2009 will allow me to complete the distance. Just don't expect any top-10 finishes but just completing the event will be satisfaction enough.

My children are all in Advanced Groups in school. We have been so blessed with not just healthy children, but intelligent and ambitious kids. The sky is the limit for them, and I want to make sure they live that idea each and every day.

The only drawback of 2009 has been the capital value of our house has declined about 35%, however, I give thanks to our Lord each day for letting me have a roof over my head each and every day. There's so much despair and frustration around us these days that I am not concerned about this too much. Also, my professional life is at an all-time highest - I have been reaching milestones and bridging huge gaps at work. At the end of the day, it's all GOOD!

This is it my friends. Merry Christmas to you and so long 2009! Follow my daily comments on facebook (Olman Castro). If you're already on FB, send me a friend request.